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Thursday, 30 January 2014

Resident Evil Wii release review

This is it muchachos, the review of all reviews. The game that started it all: Resident Evil. Dun-Dun-Dun!

Oh, if you hate a challenge, don't play this game. We here at the hub (yes. That's the name of our new HQ) still haven't finished the game, and if you could point us into the direction of a good thorough walkthrough, that would be fantastic. You can email us at or leave a comment in this post. But I digress. The game, while challenging, is definitely one for the collection. Even if you never ever finish it.

Those of you who were paying attention in RE history class will know that they game follows S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team on an investigation in the Arklay mountains when Bravo team's helicopter crashes. After a run in with infected dogs, they end up in a seemingly abandoned mansion. The nightmare begins.

The control scheme and item screen are almost identical to Zero, so it can be quite difficult to get the hang of. Our tip would be to move your character around the enormous table in the dining room until you get the hang of running and turning.

Then there's the puzzles. Oh god, the puzzles. If you complete the game without once cursing the name of Oswell E. Spencer or Capcom, you: A. Are a genius at puzzles, B. have played the game before or C. have a very good walkthrough.

When he likes you for your brains.
The game has come along way since 1996 in ways of graphics, as well as minor story changes and dialogue (yes, the Jill sandwich is still there... we think) for example, they cut the bit where Joseph finds the severed hand before being ripped to pieces by dogs. Shame. We enjoyed that bit.

 Overall: The game has fantastic graphics, difficult controls, impossible puzzles and is definitely a classic.


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