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Wednesday, 18 December 2013

RE Revelations Character Review

A guide to Raid Mode Characters. Obviously, I have my favourites (and I'm sure you will, or already do, as well) but I'll try to be unbiased.

1. Jill Valentine

Jill is one of the first characters you unlock on Raid Mode by completing episodes 1-3 of campaign. If you're going to play as her, use the handgun and the machine gun as she reloads those weapons the fastest. Her melee move is the Roundhouse.

Unlike other characters, she has a stabbing movement with her knife instead of a swiping movement.

You can play as Jill if you want, but you have her for most of the story mode as well, so she might get boring after a while.

Her beach costume, which is pretty much identical to her wetsuit, can be unlocked by reaching level five.

2. Chris Redfield

Chris is another of the three characters unlocked by completing 1-3 of story mode (campaign)
Don't get me wrong, I love Chris - the old Chris with the crappy voice acting and weird hair. Chris in the newer games is cool, but he's the typical tough guy who's "all about the job" so he seems a little... I don't know. Bland? His melee move is a weird punch thing that I couldn't find the name of. If someone knows the name, please tell me so I can put it on here.

If you are going to play as Chris, use the shotgun and the rifle. The rifle takes forever to reload on most characters, but Chris's character loads it considerably faster, useful when taking out sniper oozes.

Chris's  diver costume can be unlocked by reaching level thirty.

3. Parker Luciani

The other character that can be unlocked by completing episodes 1-3. I was glad too since he's my favourite character. The weapon for his diver suit is an axe which has a unique swinging movement that can defeat multiple enemies at once. If you play as Parker, bring a handgun and a shotgun.

You can play using his beach costume at level twenty, and his FBC outfit can be unlocked by obtaining a legendary weapon, I'm not overly sure what counts as a legendary weapon, but I unlocked the outfit when I obtained the Drake (shotgun.)

His melee move is a punch slightly different from Chris's.

4. Keith Lumley (AKA. Grinder)

Keith can be unlocked by completing episodes 4-6 in the main game. He has two swords as his side-weapon and they are also used in his impressive looking melee attack. He's skilled with the machine gun and is 50% better at physical attacks and 100% better at knife attacks than other characters.

His HQ outfit can be unlocked by beating 50 missions.

5. Jessica Sherawat

As much as I hate Jessica for what she did to some of my favourite characters, I gotta admit, she's pretty awesome. You can unlock her by reaching level ten. Her best weapons are the Machine gun and the rifle. Although, I expected her to be skilled with the handgun. Her melee move is a kick that comes down on top of the victim with a lot of force if properly charged, giving you a good view of her impractical heels.

Her diving outfit can be unlocked by clearing all Trench stages with any rank, and her FBC outfit can be unlocked by reaching level 40.

6. Quint Cetcham (AKA Jackass)

Let me just say straight off the bat that Quint's melee move is awesome. He places a time bomb on the ground and scuttles away (Reminds me of a crab.) this move will effect all enemies close to the enemy you targeted. He is unlocked by completing 100 missions. He is good with the shotgun and causes more damage with grenades than other characters, which is useful when your surrounded by enemies and all you have is one grenade.

His HQ outfit (which doesn't look as awesome) is unlocked by reaching level 50.

7. Raymond Vester

I don't care if he's evil. I don't care if he gave a sample of the T-Abyss to Jessica (He had his god damn reasons.) Raymond is awesome. He only has one costume, and it can be unlocked by clearing Trench difficulty. He reloads handguns and Magnums faster and his melee move is a kick that could be described as the opposite of Jessica's since he kicks the underside of the enemies before doing a slight bunny hop backwards.

8. Morgan Lansdale

I don't know why you'd want to unlock Morgan, but whatever floats you're boat I guess. He has one costume which you can get by clearing the ghost ship 100%. To do that, I suggest you are at least level forty, play on co-op and have some decent weapons. Don't let the B.S.A.A. emblem fool you. There's only one real one, and that's on the deck after one hell of a battle. His melee move is a Kung-Fu thingy that no old man should be able to perform. He is skilled with the rifle and the magnum.

9. Clive R. O'Brian

I like O'Brian. He nearly killed Parker, Raymond and Quint (my three fave characters) but I can forgive him. He is unlocked by completing Abyss difficulty, so it is likely that he will be the last character you unlock. He's good with a handgun and has the same skill with the grenade as Quint. His melee move is a karate chop that looks really cool.

10. Jack Norman

I failed to see the point of Norman since he's not all cool and mutated. He's just a dude with no catchphrases of his own, who destroyed Terragrigia, and nearly killed Raymond and Parker. He also killed Jill like fifty times near the end (maybe that was just my game.) So when I did unlock him, I instantly disliked him.  To unlock him, you must obtain all legendary weapons. I have no idea how I did that or what weapons I had, but it doesn't include the High Roller because I deleted that from my storage. He's good with the machine gun and has the grenade thingy O'Brian and Quint have. His melee move is kind of like a headbutt, but he uses more of his shoulder than his head (I named it the shoulder shove)

Rachel Foley

I have not yet unlocked Rachel, but I know how to do it. You have to get the trinity bonus.
To do that, you have to get the low level bonus, the genocide bonus, and the no damage bonus. I think getting the perfect shot bonus will help here too.

The low level bonus is the bonus you get when you're lower than the recommended level.
The genocide bonus is awarded when you kill every enemy (Does not include sea creepers)
The no damage bonus is for not getting any damage.
The perfect shot bonus is for 100% accuracy.

Do all this, and she's yours. (I think)

There's also some downloadable content for Rachel, a Rachel ooze costume and a Lady Hunk costume.

I will post more info on Rachel when and if I unlock her.

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